Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday Recommendations: Dream High

Today I'd like to introduce to you something new! Well if you already know it, it'd be old so hopefully you don't know it... WHAT AM I SAYING??!

Let me skip to the point here.

So now kids, let's turn our attention to the below statements (HAHA! lame..):

Korean Series:

Dream High


Six students at Kirin Art High School work to achieve their dreams of becoming stars in the Korean music industry. During the drama, the students learn how to develop their singing, songwriting and dancing skills while also undergoing personal growth. Each one of the students has his or her own strengths and weaknesses, but with the support and guidance of each other, they strive to debut on stage.


Ohh no no. I know what you're thinking.. This must be the korean version of Glee or High School Musical! Nonono!! THIS IS WAY BETTER!

The difference between this series and Glee & High school musical is that they don't just randomly break out into songs! Plus this is one of the series that is in the comedy genre and didn't lie about it because they are HILARIOUS! 

Now bear with me though, the first episode might be really boring, I know because I stopped at the first 20 mins of the show coz I got bored. Hehehe! But luckily when it aired on TV it sparkled up my opinions about the show and I gave it a second chance. And I gotta say, it is worth it!!

After I watch the series I even forced my entire family to watch it. My brother who has never bother to even touch korean series, fell in love with it by the 4th episode! That's a little slow but he's a slowpoke! So I strongly recommend anyone who has this hatred towards korean series to watch it, because you might change your minds and open yourself to a whole new world! :D

I have nothing but good things to say about the show! Everything was perfect, but I don't think people who craves for lots of make out sessions or any sort of romance touching? (HAHAHAH! I don't know what to call it!!) will love it as much as me because there are only a total of 2 kisses shared on the entire series! :D So kids can watch it too! No need for parental guidance! :D

My ratings: 5/5 rare man!

My favorite scene:

First Impressions (Pilot Judge) : Jane By Design

I would like to start a new segment on this blog called First impressions. It would be about the new series that came out or maybe the first episode of a brand new season of a show.

So the newest addition to the ABC Family- "Jane By Design" get the honor to be my guinea pig! (Honor.. HA!)


Jane is a teenager who is mistaken as an adult and lands a job in a hip retail company. She must balance her high school life and her job while keeping her identity a secret.


So first of all let's talk about the cast. Okay I know I'm being really superficial and shallow but we all know that everyone judges the actors' appearance the first time they are introduced to the world.... No? Just me?

Anyhoo.. Erica Dasher who is the main character (Jane Quimby) kinda reminds me of the combination of Kim Kardashian and Ashley Tisdale! Weird huh? I can't really judge if she is pretty or not. She's just one of those people who you will rate their beauty after you see some of their personality reflect upon them.... like Lea Michele! :D I can't say she's a bad actress but she just has this tone in her voice that I dislike. So to sum it up, no hate no love. :)

Speaking of love, I love how they only cast hot guys to the show! Both of her sorta love interest is the pretty boy type that can't make any girl go GAGA over their looks. The guy who play Jane's best friend on the other hand.... eh.. Let's just say that he is on the verge of falling into my list of ugly actors. Sorry Nick Roux! I don't know who he is but he looks really familiar! Anyone can tell me if you guys have seen any of his famous projects??

Let me get back to judging the show. Hmm if I could sum it up in one word I would choose..: FAKE!
But every show has its downside and it is FICTION.. but no excuses!
So Jane juggles work and a full time job as an assistant in a... fashion house? or some job that has to do with fashion. Then she shows up late everyday because she has to attend school everyday till 11.30. I don't know where her school is but she has to have her best friend drive her to the train station then only reach the New York office. That is just insane! If the total time she used to travel is an hour she would have reach work at 12.30! Lunch hour I'm guessing! And she is still not fired??!

I mean sure her boss is always out of town but SERIOUSLY put some reality into it! And speaking of reality! I am sure you can't find such a good best friend that drives you everyday to from school to work when the best friend has to skip school! Ohhh... now I get it... So that's why he agrees to drive her for free everyday...? Whatever. Maybe those kinds of best friends exist but just not in my world and I'm just being a cranky old jealous grandma about it. 

If you wanna see what I'm talking about go and catch an episode of Jane By Design on ABC Family. It airs after Switched At Birth every Tuesday! Tata! :D

My personal rating: 2.5/5

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Romantic Comedy: 2003 vs 2010??!

I've recently had a movie marathon for a total of 2 days!
Crazy huh?

In total I've watched about 4 movies! Okay its not a lot but 4 movies in 2 days??!

From what I can see is that, both old movies and new movies are great. But ever since 2009, there are more movies containing sci-fi elements. No matter its rom-com or comedy, there are just special effects and all sorts. Now the technology is much more modern now but how bout back then??

I found out that even without the camera tricks or special effects, the movies somehow still can catch people's attention with their amazing plot lines.
Okay, when I'm talking about old movies, its the years before 2009. So its not really THAT.

So I've came across two romantic comedy.

First- "When In Rome", came out in 2010.

What caught my attention was the actors.
Rating: 5/5
Level of cliche-ness: 2.

This movie took place in Rome, the boy meets girl. They met at Beth (Kristen Bell) 's sister's wedding, where Nick (Josh Duhamel) happens to be the groom's best men. And from that point on, their love story begins. But due to some misunderstandings, Beth got the wrong idea that Nick was a player, and she prejudged. So she went into the "Love Fountain" one of Rome's famous landmarks. It is something like a wishing well for love. People dumped their coins inside wishing for love. The drunk Beth, went inside the fountain and took 5 coins. What she didn't know was that, legend has it that if you took that person's coin, the person will be under a love spell. Well, turns out, it wasn't just a legend! So 5 random strangers from around the world are chasing after Beth for her love. And Beth thought that Nick was one of them.
Is he?

I don't wanna ruin the movie with giving spoilers, so watch it find out for yourself!!!

Not only the plot line is brilliant, the actors have this chemistry between them which made it so much more interesting. I've watched a million of romantic comedy, but while watching most of them, I never actually laughed out loud! But this movie made me laugh really hard!!!

The soundtrack is pretty good too! Great job to whoever that chooses the songs!

Moving on..

The 2nd one is, "How to Lose a guy in 10 days?", came out in 2003.

What caught my attention is the movie title!
Ratings: 5/5
Level of cliche-ness: 6

HAHAHA, that sounds easy. But it wasn't as easy as it seems!
You see, Andie (Kate Hudson) had to write a piece of article for a magazine. It's a very girly magazine. But what Andie love to write about is politcs, religion and other things that matters. So in order to have the right to write about those things, she promised her boss that she'd do that article.
She went to a bar and "hunt" for a guy that she would date as an experiment and sees what she had to do in order for the guy to dump her. Turns out, the guy that she picked also had a bet of his own. He made a bet with HIS boss that he would make any girl fall in love in 10 days! Thats what made it so hard for both of them! One of them is intentionally doing everything she can to sabotage this "relationship" and the other is trying hard to bear with the craziness the other one is putting out.

It's really funny! Though the story is pretty predictable in some ways but the lines are really funny!
Kate Hudson and Matthew Mcconaughey are both really good actors/comedians but as a couple... not really crazy about it. I love it more when the two are trying to kill each other. :D

So both of them are good movies! So this have to be a..


Thats all for now. Toodles. :D

Monday, May 9, 2011

What is this??

See, I have this passion.
Is it counted as passion if you love almost everything the world had to offer?

I see a lot of people wrote like reviews on their blogs.
About movies, fashion, music, food, travel.

Well I love all of them.
And most importantly, I like to talk about them.

But I think it would be really dull and not personal if I wrote it all in my own personal blog.
So that's exactly why I've decided...
hey why not create a new one?

hehehe! brilliant eh? (It took me a really long time to figure out this solution)

this would be like my little space for me to write about my thoughts and opinion about things.

And I should emphasize on MY THOUGHTS AND OPINION coz seriously, I am not getting paid to do this. I am a normal human being, so I don't have a super great taste, although i don't think its bad either. So yeah, I hope we'll have the same taste. :D